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Blunt Tip Forcep, 125mm

  • Made from high-quality stainless steel for durability
  • Straight shape with blunt, rounded tips to prevent puncturing fragile items
  • Narrow flutes and serrated points for enhanced grip and precision
  • Ideal for a variety of applications, including microscopy and delicate manipulations
  • Versatile tool suitable for scientific research, education, and dissections
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Our 125mm Blunt Tip Forceps are made from high-quality stainless steel. These forceps are built with functionality and durability in mind. The design features a straight shape with blunt, rounded tips and narrow flutes, making them suitable for handling fragile items without causing damage.

The interior fluting and serrated points improve grip, allowing for precise control when picking up materials, tissues, or samples. This precision is valuable in applications like microscopy, where steady and accurate manipulation is crucial.

Designed for a wide range of uses, from dissections to transferring small objects, these forceps offer versatility and reliability to professionals in scientific and educational settings. Their straightforward, efficient design ensures they can be integrated seamlessly into any workflow requiring gentle handling and exact movements.

Why Lasec® Education?

At Lasec® Education, we celebrate discovery and the joy of learning. Our range of educational products, from 3D models to lab equipment, is designed to ignite curiosity and foster a love for STEM. With our friendly, experienced sales and support team, we're always ready to assist you in your educational journey.

*Items that are out of stock can be purchased to order; email us at with the name and SKU of the item, and we will get back to you with a quote.

**Note: Due to the continuous development of our products, the goods supplied may vary in detail from those illustrated in the images and descriptions on this website.

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